
Basic Pressure-Cooker Beans

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I know this picture isn’t sexy, but knowing how to have dry beans cooked and ready in less than an hour is very sexy. And useful. (Ok, Some bigger beans might take a little over an hour, but not much more. So still sexy, and still useful šŸ˜‰

Here are the reasons I like to make my own beans from dry: it costs less, I control how much salt is in them, they have a better flavor and texture, dry beans last a long time (read “forever”) in my pantry, and I don’t have to wonder if the can has BPA in it. Also, I can freeze the cooked beans–whole or processed smooth–so they can be just as convenient as canned beans from the store.

Basic Pressure-Cooker Beans

Tiffiny Felix
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Basic Technique
Servings 7 cups cooked beans.


  • 1 lb dry beans
  • 2 quarts water
  • 1 tablespoon salt


  • Combine the dry beans, water, and salt in your pressure cooker; put on the lid and lock it down.
  • Bring to high pressure following the instructions for your unit, reduce the heat to maintain the pressure, and cook for 45-55 minutes. Let the pressure come down on it’s own. Voila! Cooked beans.
Keyword beans, leave it at the store
Basic Pressure-Cooker Beans
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