
Summer cobbler cake

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Look, deja-​vu! I know, I know. Another straw­berry dessert. This was never even meant to make it here, sort of a culi­nary after­thought on one lazy evening. I have a writ­ten recipe for a cob­bler cake that I’ve been mak­ing for ages, I’m just unable to com­mit it to my per­ma­nent mem­ory and end up hav­ing to look for that recipe over and over again. That won’t hap­pen any­more now!

cobbler cake

This is a sum­mer cake at it’s sim­plest. I made it before using all sorts of sum­mer fruits: peaches, apri­cots, apples, blue­ber­ries, pears, you name it. The prep takes only 15 min­utes and the oven does the rest. As you might have guessed, the cake mix is meant to be a cob­bler, put on top of the fruit, but I made into a cake-​tart. Because that’s ok 

cobbler cake

I scooped the cake bat­ter into a greased 11 inch tart shell, swirling it around with a rub­ber spat­ula to make sure it cov­ered it evenly. The straw­ber­ries get dot­ted inside.

cobbler cake

Tip: As the cake will rise a bit, you may notice that the straw­ber­ries rise along with it. That’s totally fine, but won’t look as pretty on the plate. I solved this prob­lem by sim­ply open­ing the oven at about 10 min­utes in and lightly push­ing the straw­ber­ries down into position.

Sum­mer Cob­bler Cake

Course Baking, cakes, Dessert, Sweet & Savory Baking
Cuisine Canadian


  • 1⅔ cups of whole wheat pas­try flour all pur­pose is an accept­able substitute
  • cup of white sugar
  • 2 tsp bak­ing powder
  • 5 tbs cold but­ter diced, plus more for greas­ing the tart bak­ing dish
  • pinch of salt
  • ½ cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • fresh straw­ber­ries topped
  • pow­dered sugar for dusting


  • Pre­heat the oven to 375F. But­ter a 11 inch tart bak­ing dish (use one with a remov­able bottom).
  • In a medium bowl, com­bine the flour, sugar, bak­ing pow­der and salt. Mix well. Add the but­ter and rub it in with your fin­ger­tips until the mix­ture is coarse and sandy.
  • Add the but­ter­milk and egg and mix until just combined.
  • Spoon into the tart dish, ensur­ing that it forms an even crust and fits into the grooves of the tart shell edge. Don’t over­fill, the cake will rise quite a bit.
  • Press the straw­ber­ries into the cake. Bake for 30 min­utes, or until golden brown, bub­bly and a wooden skewer inserted into the mid­dle comes out clean.
  • Dust with pow­dered sugar and serve.
Keyword cobbler, flour, fruit, pears, strawberries, Sweets, whole wheat
cobbler cake
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