
Whole Wheat Blueberry and Date Galette

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Ever put stuff in freezer and pre­serve it FOREVER? I’m in the process of evac­u­at­ing bags and bags of last year’s blue­ber­ries, while they’re still edi­ble. Straw­ber­ries are next, but I think the green beans from 2022 are goners, and I’m not sure what to say about a ran­dom bag of cookie crumbs. I think I planned to crum­ble them on yogurt…or I read too much Pin­ter­est. Need­less to say, there are lots of blue­berry galettes in my future ->

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Galettes are awe­some because they’re so sim­i­lar to pies, but much eas­ier to assem­ble. All you need is a cookie sheet, 5 min­utes to make the dough, and the fruit. Good enough for me! This is one of the few recipes I have mem­o­rized by heart, which means I make my galettes often, and I sub­sti­tute the fill­ings freely – sweet, savory, what­ever suits the moment.

I went half soft whole wheat, half unbleached organic all pur­pose flour for the crust. There could be ways to make a trendier galette using fancy whole grain flours, but here is my phi­los­o­phy: blue­ber­ries are already nutrient-​rich super­foods, it’s ok to leave it there. This way, you can learn a sim­ple crust recipe and are more likely to use it.

Do a taste test of the top­ping before spread­ing the blue­ber­ries on the galette — if they feel too acidic, adjust with a sprin­kle of sugar. My blue­ber­ries tasted sweet enough, so I only added some fresh chopped dates into the top­ping mix­ture. If you fancy another ver­sion of the galette, check out the Fig, Pear and Brie Galette I made last year.

Now, if I could only fin­ish clear­ing out the freezer… 

Whole Wheat Blue­berry and Date Galette

Author: Aleks

Serves: 4


  • Dough
  • 1 cup unbleached all-​purpose flour
  • 1 cup soft whole wheat flour (“pas­try flour”)
  • ¼ cup coconut palm sugar, or sub­sti­tute reg­u­lar white sugar
  • 1 tsp bak­ing powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 6 tbsp cold unsalted but­ter, sliced into chunks
  • 1 egg + 1 egg white
  • Fill­ing
  • 1½ cups fresh, or thawed blueberries
  • ¼ cup fresh dates, pit­ted and chopped
  • Pow­dered sugar for dusting


  1. Pre­heat the oven to 375F and but­ter a medium cookie sheet.
  2. In a medium bowl, mix the flours, sugar, bak­ing pow­der and salt, and stir well to com­bine. Add the cold but­ter, and rub into the flour mix­ture with your fin­gers until the con­sis­tency is sandy. Add the eggs and com­bine until a dough forms — it will feel dry at first, but should come together very quickly.
  3. On a lightly floured sur­face, knead the dough a few times to form a soft ball. Using a rolling pin, flat­ten into a 13 inch cir­cle, dust­ing with flour if needed so it doesn’t stick. Trans­fer the flat­tened dough on to the cookie sheet. Place the blue­ber­ries on top, leav­ing about 2 inches from the edge. Dot with the chopped dates and fold over the dough, lightly press­ing in the creases.and bake until the edges are golden and the fill­ing is bub­bly, approx 30 – 35 minutes.
  4. Cut into wedges and serve warm, dusted with pow­dered sugar.
Whole Wheat Blueberry and Date Galette

Whole Wheat Blue­berry and Date Galette

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 55 minutes
Course Breakfast, Sweet & Savory Baking
Servings 4


  • Dough
  • 1 cup unbleached all-​purpose flour
  • 1 cup soft whole wheat flour “pas­try flour”
  • ¼ cup coconut palm sugar or sub­sti­tute reg­u­lar white sugar
  • 1 tsp bak­ing powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 6 tbsp cold unsalted but­ter sliced into chunks
  • 1 egg + 1 egg white
  • Fill­ing
  • cups fresh or thawed blueberries
  • ¼ cup fresh dates pit­ted and chopped
  • Pow­dered sugar for dusting


  • Pre­heat the oven to 375F and but­ter a medium cookie sheet.
  • In a medium bowl, mix the flours, sugar, bak­ing pow­der and salt, and stir well to com­bine. Add the cold but­ter, and rub into the flour mix­ture with your fin­gers until the con­sis­tency is sandy. Add the eggs and com­bine until a dough forms — it will feel dry at first, but should come together very quickly.
  • On a lightly floured sur­face, knead the dough a few times to form a soft ball. Using a rolling pin, flat­ten into a 13 inch cir­cle, dust­ing with flour if needed so it doesn’t stick. Trans­fer the flat­tened dough on to the cookie sheet. Place the blue­ber­ries on top, leav­ing about 2 inches from the edge. Dot with the chopped dates and fold over the dough, lightly press­ing in the creases.and bake until the edges are golden and the fill­ing is bub­bly, approx 30 – 35 minutes.
  • Cut into wedges and serve warm, dusted with pow­dered sugar.
Keyword Blueberry
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