I don’t know about you guys but I am hella busy right now. No wonder people take off time at Christmas – I’m incredibly busy with work and organising family, presents and treats for the big day (which is in SIX DAYS?!) In the lead up to Christmas feasts, I have been craving pizza. Not just any pizza, but a simple vegetarian pizza recipe.
Jackson and I came home from work one day last week with one hour to cook and eat dinner. This magical pizza reared its delicious head once again and I couldn’t have been happier. Pizza has that effect on me. Come on… I’m only human.

You may have seen my super quick greek yoghurt pizza base recipe before a few months ago. It’s become one of my favourites, as it’s such a quick way to make your own base. Who doesn’t love a go to dough?

I feel like I’m really getting a hang of the dough, and with the help of a recently purchased rolling pin I was able to get it much thinner than last time, which added a nicer consistency and texture and a crunchy crust. It also meant I could pretend it was like the pizza in Rome (hey, a girl can dream!)

One of my pizzas was a simple zucchini, fetta and dill, with the other a classic home made pizza sauce, tomato and mozarella. I was even able to cook one of them in my cast iron skillet – gosh I love that thing.
The base was crispy, the feta was creamy, and the Bec was happy.
What’s your favourite home made pizza combination? Make it for dinner, tag me on Instagram and let me know!
Have a wonderful day, Bec xo

Simple vegetarian pizzas w/ 2 ingredient dough
For the dough
- 2 cups wholemeal self raising flour
- 1.5 cups greek yoghurt
For the pizza sauce
- 1/2 400 gm tin 200gms diced tomatos, drained
- 2 tbsp tomato paste
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tbsp oregano fresh or dried
For the toppings
- Whatever you like!
- I used 2 tomato sliced
- mozzarella
- basil
- 1 zucchini peeled
- fetta
- dill
For the dough
- Combine 2 cups flour with 1.5 cup greek yoghurt.
- Mix until a dough forms. If too dry, add a little more yoghurt.
- Split into fist sized balls and roll out with floured rolling pin or wine bottle. Use extra flour to prevent sticking (I use lots!)
For the pizza sauce
- Combine drained diced tomatoes, tomato paste, oregano and some pepper in a food processor. Whizz!
- If you don’t have a food processor you can mash with a potato masher or finely chop and mix.
For the pizza
- Pre-heat the oven at 190 deg cel (374 deg f)
- Roll out dough so it is 0.75 cm thin
- Spread a base of pizza sauce leaving 1cm at the edge.
- Top with your chosen toppings!
- Place in oven on baking paper or pizza tray for 20 minutes or so, keeping an eye to make sure dough is cooking and cheese is melting/browning.